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Listing Photo 226164
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Contact Information

Freedom Realty Company Inc.
740 Parkstown Ext
Wilder TN 38589
931-287-6287 Cell
931-445-2377 Office

Agent Photo 23183
Co-Listing Agent:
Mary Rocha
Co-Listing Office:
Freedom Realty Co. Inc.
Listing Tools
Listing Details
MLS Number: 226164
Area: Overton Co NE, TN
List Price: $54,900
Listing Agent: Kimberly Rocha (#:1)
Listing Office: Freedom Realty Co. Inc. (#:178)
Street #: lot 38
Address: Pioneer Trail
Address 2:  
State: TN
Zip Code: 38554
Lot Dimensions: 5 acre
Lot #: 38
Subdivision: Other
Public Remarks: Best Priced property in all of Honey Springs and Bear Knob! Pioneer Trail is closer to town, but privacy abounds! Beautiful views, and lots of wildlife. This lot has a nice gentle slope and perfect for a walk out basement. The tract is near the end of the road close to the cul de sac. This is a very private area only about 10 homesites on the entire road, for assured privacy in the future.
The information provided by the Upper Cumberland Association of Realtors® Corporation is compiled from miscellaneous sources and neither the Upper Cumberland Association of Realtors® Corporation, nor the Listing Broker, nor its Agents or Subagents are responsible for the accuracy of the information. The information provided by the Upper Cumberland Association of Realtors® Corporation is for its Participants, Participants\' Associates and Subscribers only and is not intended for usage by the public. Under no circumstances should the information contained herein be relied upon by any person in making a decision to purchase any of the described properties. Multi-List users should be advised and should advise prospective purchasers to verify all information in regard to the property by their own independent investigation and, in particular, to verify, if important to them, room sizes, the square footage, lot size, property boundaries, age of structures, school district, flood insurance, zoning, restrictions and easements, fixtures or personal property excluded, and availability of water and sewer prior to submitting an offer to purchase the property.